animal department

animal department

Total Post 18 

No. HLDB/NDP-1/07 Dated 01.07.2014

Notice regarding engagement of the Animal Health Officers, Area/ District Coordinators etc.
for Sub-Projects under NDP-I through Walk In Interview.
Notice Details
Two Animal Health Officers, four Area/District Coordinators and other officials in Sub-
Projects of “Production of HGM Murrah Bulls through Progeny testing and Hariana Bulls
through Pedigree Selection” are required for implementation of the Sub-Projects under NDPI
for which Haryana Livestock Development Board is the End Implementing Agency (EIA).
Retired officers having sound health are also eligible. The engagement will be contractual,
initially for a period of one year. The interested persons (In- service/ Retired) possessing the
required qualifications and experience may appear for interview in person along with a copy

of their Bio-data/ application.

for more detail visit  website:
